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Welcome to NY Apreiškimo Parapijos English Language Bulletin “ŽINIOS”


February 2 -Feast of the Purification (Grabnycios), Feast of the Presentation, GROUNDHOG DAY

February 3 – Feast of St. Blaise

February 5 – CONFESSION / PENANCE with Father Kungys 9:30 AM, Blessing of the throats after Mass, Kavine / Reception for Fr. Kungys, Parish Lower Hall, Spanish Community Party 12:45 PM, Parish Lower Hall, Feast of St. Agatha, patroness of those Suffering diseases of the breast

February 11 – Feast of St. Breandette: World Day of the Sick

February 12 – Abraham Lincoln‘s Birthday (A holiday in some US States); Commemoration of Lithuanian in Annunciation Church: Independence Day 10:00 AM Mass, VAIKU LITURGJIA 10:00 AM, Gala Luncheon Follows Mass, Mt.Carmel Hall, Program and Concert follow Luncheon, Mt.Carmel Hall

February 14 – Feast of St. Valentine the Marty, Happy St. Valentine‘s Day!



February 22 – Ash Wednesday, George Washington‘s Birthday

February 26 – First Sunday of Lent, Kavine, Parish Lower Hall

March 4 – FEAST OF ST. CASIMIR, Lithuania‘s Patron Saint, Kaziuko Muge 11:00 AM, Mt. Carmel Hall

Throughout the world wide Lithuanian community, this year has been designated the YEAR OF BLESSED JURGIS MATULAITIS, a priest of great holiness and sacrifice. In order for the Church to grant him full sainthood, miracles attributed to his intercession are needed!

Lord Jesus Christ, you teach us that if two or three will ask for something in your name, it will be granted them by your heavenly Father. Encouraged by this promise, we turn to you in all confidence that through the intercession of your faithful servant Blessed George, you would restore to health those we recommend to your mercy and especially,(name), who places all hope in you. In you, O Lord, we have placed our trust. May we not be put to shame now and throughout eternity. Amen. (Official prayer text).

According Annunciation’s own Maryte Sandanavicius Newsom, principal of St. Casimir Saturday School in California, who sent the prayer and this information, the St. Casimir Community is praying for a miracle for JUOZAS VENCKUS, who is dying. They ask us all to “storm heaven” through the intercession of Blessed Jurgis for Juozas’ sake. Maryte writes: Have faith in God, in prayer, in miracles!

Sunday, February 5, Annunciation Parish will celebrate the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Grabnycios), and the presentation of the Child Jesus in the temple, 40 days after his birth, according to the Law of Moses. Father Volertas will bless candles for us, according to Church custom. Everyone should have a blessed candle at home, available to use when greeting a priest or Eucharistic Minister who might come bearing the Blessed Sacrament for someone homebound, to burn in times of great fear or suffering, to place beside the body of someone who dies at home. The blessed candles will be available at kavine. There is no charge for them, but a donation is appreciated. At the conclusion of the Mass, Fr. Volertas will bless the throats of the parishioners in commemoration of the Feast of St. Blaise, patron saint of afflictions of the throat.

In addition to the celebration of Grabnycios on February 5, Annunciation will host “Brolis” Astijus Kungys, OFM, brother of Salvijus and uncle of Elzbieta and Gabriella. Father Kungys will HEAR CONFESSIONS at 9:30 am, before Mass, bless him. After Mass there will be a brunch reception for Father Kungys in the Parish Lower Hall.

January was a VERY, VERY busy month in our parish. Both the Lithuanian and Spanish Communities celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany on January 8. Courtesy of Rimas Kezys and the staff of THE AVENUE Restaurant, there was a Kugelis and Koldunai luncheon after 10:00 am Mass. The Three Kings must have come very quietly on their camels, because although no one caught sight of them, they left gifts for the children under the Christmas tree in the Parish Hall! The Ateitininkai Youth Group collected donations of canned or boxed foods before Mass, that were carried to the altar at the Offertory, symbolic of OUR bringing gifts to the Christ Child, that He may feed the hungry of our parish. The food was donated to the Mt. Carmel Food Pantry.

January 15, the parish, the Lithuanian Consulate, and the Lithuanian American Community commemorated the day, 21 years ago, that Russian Communist tanks rolled over 14 innocent Lithianians who were demonstrating for freedom around the Vilnius TV Tower. Candles and photos were carried to the Altar, and the names of the dead recited, Consul General Sarapinas spoke at the luncheon following Mass, and the Consulate provided a film about the event, called Unknown Heroes. Thanks to Lithuanian American Community leaders Vida Jankauskas, Laima Sikeikis-Hood and Ramute Zukas, Valda Lukosevicius, of the Consulate staff, Povilas Debesys, of the Tautos Fondas staff, and volunteers Marius Marijosius, Laima Mihalovich and Pat Sidas.

January 22, the parish was blessed with a visit by Rev. Kestutas Kevalas (And his charming Mother!), Director of Radio Maria, and Deacon Lukas Laniauskas, SJ. Father Kevalas concelebrated the Mass with Father Volertas, and Deacon Lukas got in some fine preaching practice at Annunciation‘s pulpit! (Deacons are allowed to do that!) Father Kevalas‘ sisters, Jurate and Neringa, their charming spouses, precious children, and the NY Ateitininkai put on a fine lunch (again with the help of THE AVENUE CREW!!) after Mass. Deacon Lukas was seen to be having a great deal of fun with the almost TWENTY children present at the luncheon and reception! Thanks to volunteers Mara Vygantas, Paulius and Monika Sabalis, Dr, Kristina Vygantas and sons Petras and Vejukas Vygantas-Winkler, Vida Penikas, Rimas and Simas Chakar-Palubinskas, and Elizabeth Basile.

Vasario 16, Lithuanian Independence Day, will be commemorated SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2011 with Mass at 10:00 AM at Annunciation Church, with luncheon following at Mt. carmel Hall. formal program and reception will begin at at 12:00 PM at Mt. Carmel Hall. The formal Independence Day program will begin at 12:00 pm. The featured speaker will be NY Consul General Sarapinas. A cultural program will follow. Lithuanian Independence Day Celebration is co sponsored by the The Lithuanian American Community, The Lithuanian National Foundation, and The American Lithuanian Council.

LENT begins with Ash Wednesday, February 22. Lent is our time to check out our spiritual selves…to practice acts of self denial, and undertake POSITIVE activities that show our Christian love for all God’s glorious creation, our gratitude for the sacrifice of the Redeemer, and our thankfulness to the Holy Spirit. Hear Mass once in a while when you don’t “have to.” Offer up that snack to God, not to your stomach. Go and do unto others who need help….your family, your neighbor, your friend. Rejoice and give thanks for all the Good God has done for you!

The “rules” of Fast and Abstinence for Lent are: For all from age 14 and above: Abstinence from meat Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all Fridays of Lent. Catholics from 18-59 are also obligated to fast weekdays during Lent by limiting their food to one full meal, and two smaller meatless meals, while fasting between meals. Small enough acts of self denial in the face of the sacrifice of the Savior.

Do you need a record of your donations to Annunciation parish for your tax records? To obtain your copy, please contact MAUREEN at the Mt. Carmel office at 718-384-0233. It would help her if you have your envelopes number handy when you call.

IMPORTANT News about the Diocese of Brooklyn Strategic Planning Commission: For the past year the Commission has been working with parishes, reviewing their financial situation, the structural soundness and state of repair of the parish‘s facilities, and the sacramental life of the parishes. No parishes have been closed, but some church bulidings have been closed due to a serious state of disrepair and lack of funds for repairs, like St. Vincent‘s Church, on north 6th Street, which has been sold and will be turned into apartments! Both Annunciation and Mt. Carmel will benefit from the sale.

Annunciation‘s financial situation is quite sound, due mainly to rental income from our Rectory and Annunciation School. Income from the weekly collections at the two Masses is embarrasingly low, however, and only 27 parishioners made donations to the Annual Diocesan Appeal. We are blessed with a church that was built to last, and has been fairly well maintained in recent times. There are some repairs that have to be made, however. The most critical need is to repair the sidewalks, according to Msgr. Calise. Annunciation has funds to pay for these repairs in the diocesan accounts.

Our Sacramental life has been found wanting, however. Mass attendance at Annunciation averages about 225 people, across the two Masses. Our parish records show very few baptisms, marriages, and First Communions. There were only 13 children and 4 adults confirmed over a year ago. We have no people enrolled in Adult Religious Education. Although Annunciation has Lithuanian speaking volunteers to teach classes, this past year there was no First Holy Communion or Confirmation Class formed. The Spanish speaking people no longer conduct religious instruction in Spanish, preferring to register children in Mt. Carmel classes in English, and recieve the sacraments at Mt. Carmel.

Three Commission Members, Monsignor Ferrari, Sister Eugenie, and Mr. William Kern, met late last month with the Trustees of Mt. Carmel and Annunciation Parishes, several parish employees, Mosnignor Calise and Father Lynch to review the facts about finances, buildings, and sacramental life. Helen Langone represented the laity of Mt. Carmel, and Vida Penikas represented the laity of Annunciation. A lay representative of the Annunciation Spanish speaking congregation was unable to attend. (Pat Sidas represented Trustee Raimundas Slizys, who was away.) The Annunciation lay representatives provided detailed information about the sacramental life of Annunciation that was not evident from the official records, about the history of the parish, and about current conditions.

The Commission will be making its recommendations to Bishop DiMarzio about what steps should be taken to strengthen Phase IV parishes on February 27.

Transfiguration Parish is also involved in Phase IV. According to Transfiguration Pastor, Father Paul Wood,: “In this New Year, may our Lord continue to bless the people of our two churches (Transfiguration and St. Stanislaus Kostka ed.), especially as we delve into Phase IV of Christ Jesus our Hope and the reconfiguring of our churches according to the Diocesan Strategic Planning Initiative.”

She‘s A GIRL! Lia Kristina Marijosius was born January 26 to Vydas and Christine. Mociute Aldona and Tetukas Marius are so excited! CONGRATULATIONS!

ALL the sacraments are celebrated at Annunciation Parish: The Eucharist is celebrated every Sunday. Father Volertas hears Confessions before Mass Sundays in Lithuanian and English EVERY Sunday. If he is not in the confessional, he will be waiting in the sacristy, bless him! For Baptisms and Weddings, or for the Sacrament of the Sick, and “Last Rites”, just call Msgr. Calise (718-384-0223 )or Fr. Volertas (718-326-2236). When the need arises, be sure to specify ANNUNCIATION to the Funeral Director, so the funeral can be held in your own parish.

RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION for Children in preparation for First Penance / First Communion, Confirmation, contact Raimundas Šližys (Lithuanian), or Rose Marie Walsh (718-384-0223, XT 28, English.) HOME STUDY opportunities are available! Childrens’ Liturgy, in Lithuanian and English, takes place the ONE SUNDAY of the month. Contact Dr. Milda Palubinskas for the monthly clendar.

Arrangements can be made for instruction for Adults who wish to become Catholics, or for Baptized Catholics who have not received the sacraments of Penance, Eucharist, or Confirmation. Contact Raimundas Silzys or Pat Sidas any Sunday at Kavine.

Children who want to serve as Altar servers should contact Dr. Algis Lukoševičius. Schedules for serving are flexible. The same flexible scheduling is available for ladies and gentlemen who would like to serve as Lectors at Mass, or who would like to help out as Ushers. Bill Kumet will show you the ropes and help you schedule your time to serve! Call him at 718-846-3829. To join Annunciation Parish Lithuanian Choir, please come to the Loft any Sunday to meet Organist and Choir Director Asta Barkauskas. The choir rehearses after Mass in the Loft or Lower Hall.

Sick call list: Regina Balsys, Elvira Vilineskis, Phyllis Macenas, Liuda Gudelis, Joe Levonas, and Anele Steponis are suffering the assaults of age. Gloria O’Brien, Edward Diskevich, and Jerry Cernauskas also need our prayers. Simon Ulcickas and Arturas Jautakas are still VERY sick.

KAVINE NEWS: If you want to provide something special at Kavine, please contact Pat Sidas so she can help you coordinate your donation. God Bless the KAVINE SET-UP AND CLEAN-UP COMMITTEE. To volunteer to help at Kavine, contact Vida Jankauskas or Pat Sidas. All you have to do is come half an hour early once in a while to set up the hall, and / or stay 15-20 minutes longer to clear the tables, fold the cloths, and “wash” the coffee and tea pots. THANK YOU TO: Ramute Zukaite for the donation of coffee, Anatolijus Garbauskas, for delicious chocolate oranges, and the Mihalovich family for a donation of food. Generous monetary donations have come from Sofija Skobeikis and Linda Mokapetris Greene, bless them! SPECIAL NOTE: Unlabeled items in the refrigerator will be removed after a week.

May he rest in peace in the arms of the angels! Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua, retired Cardinal Archbishop of Philadelphia, has died. When he served as an auxiliary bishop here in the Diocese of Brooklyn, his home diocese, he came to Annunciation and confirmed a large class of young people from our parish. Juozas Arminis has died in Florida. He will soon be buried from our parish. He leaves his wife Anita and children Diana and Richard and a sister, Irene.

News from Mt. Carmel: ( Mt. Carmel Serenity Sunday, for people recovering from addictions, and for those who love them. Mass at 5:00 pm, “pot luck” supper after, followed by “meetings” according to the precepts of “AA”. Next Serenity Sunday will be March 4. GLAD TIDINGS (LGBT Community) meets the second and fourth Monday of each month, 7:00 PM.

Camp Neringa News: Funds are still needed for flood repairs! Neringa is a great place for Kids! There are sessions for both Lithuanian speaking and NON-LITHUANIAN SPEAKING Children! Registration begins February 15. Congratulations to Dana Vainauskas, formerly of New York, now of Boston, who is the new camp Executive Director! You can find the 2012 CAMP SCHEDULE on the web site. WINTER CELEBRATION is Feb. 10-12. Check the Website!

Rehearsals are under way at Annunciation Hall for The 14th Lithuanian Dance Festival (July 1, 2012, in Boston). If you want information, contact Cheryl Milukas or go to You can purchase tickets and ads online there, too! MORE GUYS are needed to fill out the NY ADULT DANCE GROUP. It’s good exercise, guys! Contact Cheryl to register!

Our Lady of Vilnius News: Our Lady of Vilnius was closed on February 26, 2007. Please join us in observing the fifth anniversary of the closing on Sunday February 26 at 1:30 pm, on the steps of Our Lady of Vilnius, 570 Broome Street, Manhattan. Contact: Elaine Derso, Chair, Save Our Lady of Vilnius Committee, P.O. Box 230253, New York, NY 10023, 212-874-2506.

New Jersey News: Vasario 16 will be commemorated at St. Peter and Paul Church (211 Ripley Place) on February 26. Mass will be at 11:00 AM, Father Staniskis, celebrant. After Mass there will be a luncheon, Consul Genral Sarapinas will speak, and the Varpelis Childrens’ Choir and the Kudirka School Dancers will perform in the Parish Hall, 216 Ripley Place.

HEADS UP! Annunciation Parish and the Lithuanian Folk Art Institute, New York Chapter, will provide a workshop in making the traditional VERBOS on Sunday, March 25. (Passion Sunday), at kavine. Many, many dried flowers are needed, and lots of crepe paper flowers. You can help by drying flowers like liatris and baby‘s breath and bringing them to the workshop. If you are willing to help make the hundreds of crepe paper flowers needed, please contact Pat Sidas. She will explain how to make them (EASY!) and give you the materials. Lithuanian people carry the VERBOS in the Palm Sunday procession and then often bring them to the cemetery.

HEADS UP! MUGE is coming! The Lithuanian Scouts Association St. Casimir‘s Fair will take place after Mass on March 4 in the Mt. Carmel Hall. For information about exhibit tables, or how you can help, please contact Tomas Lora or Aldute Belzer.

HEADS UP! The „LIVING STONES“ are coming! This evangelizing group from Lithuania will be with us the weekend of the FEAST OF THE ANNUNCIATION to prach our Lenten Retreat! They will even take part in the celebration of the Feast of the Annunciation, our Titular Feast, on the 26th.

Better late than never……..Thanks to the Rudis Family, Martin Pietrusiewicz Family, Liepinaitis Family, Nino Dios, Castino Family, and Ramona Family for their donations toward the beautiful Christmas Poinsettia display!

Welcome to our new readers: Kristijonas Kulikauskas and Zydre…..who came to Mass and Kavine and promptly VOLUNTEERED to help in her new parish!

TO REGISTER yourself and your family at Annunciation Parish call 718-384-0223 or e-mail. You can also register at Kavine. See Joe Rudis for a registration form. The more registered, the more secure our parish. NUMBERS COUNT!

Volunteers are always needed in a place like a parish……………someone to read at Mass, someone to sing in the choir, someone to wash a pot or set a table once in a while. Someone to make a centerpiece. Someone to decorate the altar. Someone to teach the children; someone to organize a picnic or a lottery. Maybe, couldn‘t YOU volunteer just once in a while so the work does not always fall on the same generous souls? The list of who to contact is below…….CALL!

COME VOLUNTEER FOR YOUR PARISH! Come help do His work on Earth!

Msgr. Joseph Calise – 718-384-0223

Associate Priest and Lithuanian Apostolate:
Rev. Vytautas Volertas

Parish Trustees:
Eric Arango, Raimundas Šližys

Lithuanian Affairs:
Vida Jankauskas

Raimundas Šližys

Lectors, Ushers:
Vida Penikas

Annunciation Parish Lithuanian Choir:
Asta Barkauskas, Just Come to the loft!

Pat Sidas – 203-762-9726

Lithuanian/English Bulletin Editor:
Vida Jankauskas

Parish Website Administrator:
Arūnas Tirkšliūnas

Decorating the Church:
Joe Rudis, Lidia Santos – 718-438-4649

Acolyte Program:
Father Volertas, Dr. Algis Lukoševičius. See either one after Mass

Religious Education:
Dr. Milda Palubinskas, Salvijus Kungys, Dana Račiūnas Norvila, Raimundas Šližys, Rosemarie Walsh (English) – 718-384-0223, ext. 28

Dr. Algis Lukoševičius

Children’s Chapter:
Dr. Milda Palubinskas

Spanish Affairs Committee / Bulletin:
Leticia Serrano

Annunciation Parish Spanish Choir:
Antonio Arenas – See him after 11:30 am Mass

Guadalupe Committee:
Clemente Randon

Queen of The Rosary Academy:
Sr. Joan Losson, OP – 718-782-1110

Teachers of Light Tutoring / SAT Prep program (free):

Diocesan Migration Office:
Msgr. Ralph Marino – 718-236-3000

Serenity Sunday:
Msgr. Joseph Calise – 718-384-0223

LGBT Ministry:
Father Michael Lynch – 718-384-0223

Father Volertas,
(Advisory Committee members: Vida Jankauskas, Malvina Klivecka, Joe Rudis)


Churches United:
(FREE CLASSES for people looking for work, English classes, FREE LEGAL CLINIC)

Diocesan Catholic Charities Family / Counseling Centers:
(Help with mental health issues for children and adults, and employment counseling.)

Maironis Lithuanian Saturday School:
Fausta Sinkunas, Principal

Lithuanian Scouts:
Tomas Lora, Aldute Belzer

Lithuanian Athletic Club:
(, Jonas Jankauskas

Council 12: Elaine Derso, tel. 212-874-2506. Council 110: Dr. P. Kazas. Council 152: Julia Schroeder.

Order blanks to subscribe to BRIDGES, the journal of the Lithuanian American Community, are available on the SHARE table, or contact to order a subscription.

Are you unable to get to Mass? Eucharistic Minister Vytautas Cereska will bring the Body and Blood of Christ to you. Call Vytautas at 646-246-8270. Father Volertas (718-326-2236) is, of course, also available to bring the Sacraments and anoint the sick and frail.

You can ask a Mass be said in Annunciation Church . Joe Rudis has the Mass Book Sundays after Mass in the Parish Hall. The usual stipend is $50.

To schedule an event in the Parish Lower Hall, please contact Raimundas Šližys.

THE PARISH HALL CALENDAR FOR 2012 IS OPEN! Please contact Raimundas Šližys to schedule any events your organization might be planning for 2012 that involve the use of the Parish Lower Hall. The calendar fills FAST, so make your plans SOON!

Want to get on the ENVELOPES List? Envelopes are a very convenient tradition of the Church in the US that makes it easy to make your weekly donation to the support of the parish. You receive an envelope packet monthly by mail with an envelope for each Sunday and for any scheduled special collections. To get on the list, contact MARY ANN at the office 718-384-0223 .







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