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Welcome to NY Apreiškimo Parapijos English Language Bulletin “ŽINIOS” January 2012 EXTRA Edition!

This coming Sunday (January 22) Annunciation will be blessed with a visit by the brother of parishioner Jurate Zukauskas, Father Kestutas Kevalas, who is director of RADIO MARIJA! He will concelebrate the Mass with Father Volertas.

Also coming, from Ohio, where he is a Jesuit seminarian, is “Brother” Lukas Laniauskas, who serve the Mass.

Following Mass, the Zukauskas family and Ateitininkiai will graciously provide LUNCH (prepared by Annunciation’s own Rimas Kezys of THE AVENUE Fame!).

Annunciation will also be hosting Guests from the current Diocesan Planning Commission, who will be making surprise parish visitations in the next few weeks. Our Annunciation Parish and Transfiguration Parish are part of Phase IV of this process. The state of the parish’s finances, building conditions, and sacramental life will be closely examined. The Commission will be making recommendations to Bishop DiMarzio February 27 that will have far reaching effect on virtually every parish in the diocese, Annunciation included. When you meet our diocesan guests, welcome them as only Annunciation parishioners can: With Christian caring and Lithuanian hospitality!

Honorable Guests in our parish Jan 22, 2012

HEADS UP! Vasario 16 will be commemorated FEBRUARY 12.

Personal Note: On January 29, 2012, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered at Annunciation for the repose of the soul of my beloved Vladas, requested by the wonderful Butkus Family: Kazimiras, Sofia, and Astra. Please come and pray for his soul…….Pat

Our Lady of the Annunciation, PRAY FOR US!

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