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ŽINIOS – September 2011

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Welcome to NY Apreiškimo Parapijos English Language Bulletin “ŽINIOS”


October is the Month of the Holy Rosary

Jesus said: “Speak to the world about my Mercy; let all mankind recognize My my unfathomable mercy.” Let us come to KNOW Christ, the Divine Mercy. Let us accept the Divine Mercy of Christ by conversion, and confess our sins. Let us, then, on our part, be merciful to others.

September 4 – Kavine, Parish Lower Hall


September 8 – Feast of Mary‘s Nativity OUR LADY OF SILUVA „SILINES“

September 11 – Commemoration of the Attacks on the World Trade Center, The Pentagon, and the airliner that crashed at Shanksville, PA. Bring your flags! – In front of our church after 10:00 am Mass.

September 17 – LAK Event, School Parking Lot
Opening Day, Maironis School- 206 Skillman Ave, Brooklyn

September 18 – PARISH PICNIC! Parish Hall and School- Parking Lot, under the tents!

September 23 – First Day of Autumn

September 25 – Kavine, Parish Lower Hall

October 2 – Kavine, Parish Lower Hall

On Sunday, September 11, the entire Annunciation Community will come together between the end of the 10:00 AM Lithuanian Mass and the 11:30 AM Spanish Mass to commemorate the horrorific attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon in Washington, and the heroic crash of the airliner at Shanksville, PA. The memorial service will begin at 11:00 AM. Please bring your American Flags……..big or small, a heart full of patriotism, and concern for the souls of the dead and the suffering of the living who survived the attacks or ran to the aid of those trapped and injured. The service will not be a long one, but it will be filled with grattitude to God that none of Annunciation‘s parishioners were killed, with sorrow for those who were killed, including several from Mt. Carmel Parish, and compassion for those whose lives are impacted every day by horrible memories.

Because 9-11 falls on Sunday this year, the diocese has directed all other celebrations be cancelled in favor of these memorial services. As a result, the commemoration of a Marian Feast dear to Lithuanians everywhere, SILINES, the Feast of Mary‘s Nativity and Mary‘s appairition at Siluva will not be be commemorated this year. Our Lady of Siluva, pray for us!

HEADS UP! Save the date: SUNDAY, September 18, 2011. Annual Annunciation Parish Picnic will take place, in the Lower Hall, and under the tents in the parking lot behind the school. Watch for your CHANCE BOOKS, which will come via US Mail. If you don’t get your mailing, that means you are not on the parish mailing list. Please contact Joe Rudis at IMG...@VERIZON.NET or 718-438-4649 to remedy the situation and get your chance books. The picnic and the cash lottery are the parish’s BIGGEST yearly fundraiser. Get with it and do your part! Volunteers will be needed to help out that day. Donations of lottery prizes are always welcome. Contact Raimundas Slizys at LIT...@AOL.COM or Vida Jankauskas at L...@EARTHLINK.NET to sign up! Come to the tents at Annunciation’s own unique parking lot TAR BEACH, or our air conditioned Lower Hall for the Four Great “F”s………..FUN, FOOD, FRIENDS, AND FELLOWSHIP. Support your local “Lithuanian” Parish! Bring your kids!

Saturday, September 17, the New York Lithuanian Athletic Club will present the first celebration of LithNYC in the Annunciation Parking lot, behind Annunciation School (70 Havemeyer Street). LithNYC is a fair that celebrates Lithuanian Heritage through music, food, drink and a variety of activities. Come by any time after 12 Noon to meet with friends, both old and new. There will be children’s games until 4 PM. Refreshments, food and music all day and evening until 9:00 PM. Proceeds for the event go to Camp Neringa and NY Lithuanian Athletic Club. Oh, and don’t let any language barriers stop you from coming for the day’s activities! Admission $5 (or $20 per family, whichever is less)

SUNDAY, August 14, Annunciation Parish celebrated the traditional Lithuanian holiday ZOLINES, in conjunction with the Feast of the Assumption. A DISASTER was averted when Annunciation‘s very gracious and loyal sacristan, Phil Caponegro, rolled up his sleeves and MOPPED THE FLOODED PARISH HALL so the Zolines party could go on!

Many people brought bouquets of flowers to be blesssed. Pat Sidas brought a bucketful of small buoquets of wild flowers and zinnias from her garden for those who could not bring flowers. She also donated a basket of vegetables from her garden that was „raffled“ off at kavine…lucky winner was Viktoria Cereska! Father Volertas blessed the flowers at the end of the Mass. Some people placed he blessed bouquets in vases provided at the church‘s various Marian Shrines. Some took the blessed flowers home, or to the cemetery to the graves of loved ones.

Many, many thanks go to the following for making the ZOLINES celebration: Vida and Algis Jankauskas donated a fine assortment of herbal teas, according to custom, drunk on Zolines. Joe and Irene Rudis donated apple cake and potato salad. Grazina and Saulius Janusas brought a wonderul strawberry torte. Ramute Hopmanas was helpful with advice, and brought very tasty apples, also very traditional. Malvina Klivecka saw to the tables and tablecloths with Andzele Petraitis. Pat Sidas donated a lettuce salad with lettuce from her garden and sandwiches. An anonymous donor brought a fruit salad. Vida Penikas helped with serving. Matas Slizys saw to it that everyone got a lottery ticket for the blessed basket of vegetables. Laimute and Stasys Kavaliauskas helped with the set-up, and the Slizys and Janusas families helped with the clean up.

News from Transfiguration Parish, Maspeth: According to the August 28 Parish bulletin:

After consultation with the parish Pastoral Council and Fr. Vytas, we have decided, because of the change in demographics and the low Mass attendance at the 11:30 am Lithuanian Mass, to have Lithuanian Mass ONLY on the LAST SUNDAY of each month beginning in September.
(Signed) Father Paul

ALL the sacraments are celebrated at Annunciation Parish: The Eucharist is celebrated every Sunday. Eucharistic Minister Vytautas Cereska will bring the sacrament to those who cannot come to Mass. (646-246-8270) Father Volertas hears Confessions before Mass Sundays in Lithuanian and English EVERY Sunday. If he is not in the confessional, he will be waiting in the sacristy, bless him!

To arrange for Baptisms and Weddings, or for the Sacrament of the Sick, and “Last Rites”, just call Msgr. Calise (718-384-0223) or Fr. Volertas (718-326-2236). When there is a death in your family, be sure to specify ANNUNCIATION to the Funeral Director, so the funeral can be held in your own parish.

Religious Instruction is available for our parish’s children. To arrange for religious instructions for children in preparation for First Penance/First Communion, Confirmation, or for parental instruction prior to the baptism of infants, contact Raimundas Šližys Lithuanian), or Rose Marie Walsh (718-384-0223, EXT 28, English). There are HOME STUDY opportunities for Religious Instruction. Don’t allow your children to be without the Sacraments or instruction in our Holy Faith.

Religious Instruction is available for adults, too. Arrangements can be made for instruction for persons who wish to become Catholics, or for Baptized Catholics who have not received all the initial sacraments (Penance, Eucharist, Confirmation). Contact Raimundas Šližys or Pat Sidas any Sunday at Kavine.

VAIKU LITURGJIA, Childrens’ Liturgy, in Lithuanian and English, has resumed. For more information on this valuable parish faith formation program, please contact Dr. Milda Palubinskas.

September is the time we all resume our routines………….or start new ones! How about signing up for one of our parish activities or committees? Don’t stand there waiting to be ASKED! VOLUNTEER!

Children who have received their First Holy Communion who want to serve as Acolytes (Altar servers) should contact Dr. Algis Lukoševičius, or Raimundas Šližys (at Kavine). Schedules for serving are flexible. The same flexible scheduling is available for ladies and gentlemen who would like to serve as Lectors at Mass, or who would like to help out as Ushers. Bill Kumet will show you the ropes and help you schedule your time to serve! Call him at 718-846-3829. To join Annunciation Parish Lithuanian Choir, please come to the Loft any Sunday to meet Organist and Choir Director Asta Barkauskas. The choir rehearses after Mass the first Sunday of the Month in the Lower Hall. The tenor and bass section could use a few new members! RELIGIOUS EDUCATION HELPERS are always needed for Vaiku Liturgjia and sacrament preparation groups for children and adults. Contact Dr. Milda Palubinskas or Raimundas Šližys. Pat can always use help at KAVINE…… just find her after Mass to sign up! Joe Rudis especially needs younger helpers for DECORATING THE CHURCH before BIG feasts. Call him at 718-438-4649.

TEACHERS OF LIGHT provides FREE tutoring programs. If YOU have children or young people needing tutoring in any subject, at any grade level, including preparation for the SAT exams, go to, or call 347-342-8354 .

Maironis School News: Maironis Lithuanian Saturday School invites all children, parents, teachers and adults wanting to learn Lithuanian to come to the Opening of the School Year Ceremonies at 10:00 AM on Saturday, September 17. Classes are available from preschool through grade 10. The School meets at 206 Skillman Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11211. New students are particularly welcome! For more information, contact school principal Fausta Sinkunas.

Lithuanian Scouts Association News: For more information about the Lithuanian Scouts Association, contact Tomas Lora or Aldute Belzer.

Ateitis News:
Some 125 people attended Ateitis Week at the Franciscan Monastery in Kennebunkport, Maine last month. Religious activities, under the direction of Fr. Gricius, and cultural events filled the week with processions, piano and song recitals, films, and sports events. Paulius and Monika Sabalis led a tribute to the late Ateitis Chaplain, Father Zygas. Choir Member Jean Naurek Pietrusiewicz, who attended for the first time, can fill you in on the details!

Sick call list: Elvira Vilineskis, Phyllis Macenas, Liuda Gudelis, Vito Senken, Joe Levonas, and Anele Steponis are suffering the assaults of age. Gloria O’Brien, Simas Ulcickas, Richard Legeckas, Edward Diskevich, Julia Cohen, and Marie Strimaitis McCauley need prayers. Jerry Cernauskas, Class of 1954, also needs our prayers. May God bless them all with improved health!

KAVINE NEWS: If you want to provide something special at Kavine, please contact Kavine Committee chairman Pat Sidas so she can help you coordinate your donation. Thanks to the Petravicius family for the wonderful muffins, croissants, and bagels they brought on October 2. Blessed candles are available at Kavine. Catholic families should have a blessed candle at home. There is no charge for them, but a donation is appreciated. God Bless the KAVINE SET-UP AND CLEAN-UP COMMITTEE. To join it — it is NOT hard work!—contact Vida Jankauskas or Pat Sidas. All you have to do is come half an hour early once in a while to set up the hall, and stay 15-20 minutes longer to clear the tables and “wash” the dishes.

Like to play CHESS? Kazys Butkus, Matas Slizys , Milda Stanislauskas, Paulius Sabalis, and Antanas Bublis and others await challengers Sundays at Kavine! For those who might like a less exotic challenge, the Kavine Committee has CHECKERS!

May they rest in peace in the arms of the angels! Raymond Mazeika died suddenly at his home in Pennsylvania. He is survived by his sister Nijole and brother Ricardas, cousins Raimundas Slizys, Linas and Rimas Vebeliunas, and his “Confirmation Son” Matas Slizys. Ausros Vartu parishioner Jurgis Alelunas has died. He is survived by his daughter, Ona Baltakis. From Lithuania comes the heartbreaking news that the younger brother of Stasys Kavaliauskas, Viktor Kavaliuaskas, has died. From faraway Brazil comes news that the sister of Josefina Senken, Albina Gervetouski has died after a sudden illness. She is survived by her daughter and family and her other sister Anita.

Annual Catholic Appeal of the Diocese of Brooklyn has begun. In order to fund the many, many corporal and spiritual works of mercy that are his obligation in faith as our spiritual leader, Bishop Di Marzio asks us once a year to make a donation to fund diocesan programs, like those listed below. Annunciation’s quota is $3,611.00. WE CAN MEET THAT! Thirteen generous parishioners have already given $2,380. If all of us can find it in our purses, even in these tough financial times, to make even a small donation to His Excellency’s treasury, we will make the Diocese of Brooklyn a better place. Remember, whatever is donated over the quota is RETURNED TO ANNUNCIATION for our parish’s use! Make your check payable to ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL, put it in an envelope, and drop into the collection basket, or mail it to 1712 10th Avenue, Brooklyn. NY 11215, ATT: Annual Appeal

News from the Diocese Office of Migration. Diocese Office of Migration site can help you find vocational classes, English classes, and citizenship classes: 718-236-3000. For information about the LITHUANIAN APOSTOLATE, contact Father Volertas, or Advisory Committee members or Vida Jankauskas, Malvina Klivecka, or Joe Rudis, any Sunday at Kavine or before or after Mass.

Diocesan Catholic Charities Family / Counseling Centers help with mental health issues for children and adults, and employment counseling. For information go to or call 718-281-9540.

Churches United offers FREE CLASSES to people looking for work, classes in English, and a FREE LEGAL CLINIC every Wednesday in South Williamsburg. (Call Paul Cogley at 718-388-3774).

For translation help, contact the Lithuanian Apostolate.

News from Mt. Carmel:
Serenity Sunday Fellowship and healing for people recovering from addictions, and for those who love them. Mass at 5:00 pm, “pot luck” supper after, followed by “meetings” according to the precepts of “AA”. Next Serenity Sunday will be October 2.
Support Group for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community meets the second and fourth Monday of each month.

The Mt. Carmel Theatre Company Contact for current information.

LAK News: For information about the NY Lithuanian Athletic Club and its activities, contact Jonas Jankauskas, LAK president. For information about YOUTH BASKETBALL, contact Joe Milukas, or go to the LAK website, or NY LAK Blog website.

Camp Neringa News: Visit for information about the CAMP NERINGA WATER BOTTLE SALE! Neringa will certainly need those funds—to see the HELICOPTERS evacuating the camp after Hurricane Irene, go to the website! WALK-A-THON Fundraiser weekend is October 7-9. For information, visit the website.

Knights of Lithuania:
Council 12 is based in Manhattan. Council President is Elaine Derso: P. O. Box 230253, New York, NY 10023. phone: 212-874-2506, Council 110 is based in Queens. Council president is Dr. P. Kazas. Congratulations to Julia Schroeder, past president of Council 110 and current president of LI Council 152, who has been awarded the Knight’s Fourth Degree Rank.

Attention dancers ages 5 to 100! The 14th Lithuanian Dance Festival will be held July 1, 2012 in Boston. If you want to participate or would like information, contact Cheryl Milukas.
More information on the Internet: Facebook: TryptinisN.Y.;;

Our Lady of Vilnius News: Sunday meditation and prayer continue at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and in front of the closed church. Visit or for more information. Contact the Save Our Lady of Vilnius Committee, Elaine Derso, Chair, PO Box 230253, NY, NY 10023. Email: Elaine Derso. Website:

Welcome to our new readers: Rugile Pilibaityte and Leon Staskevicius!

Are you a veteran of the United States Armed Forces “in need “? Then the Veterans Community Outreach Initiative, and outreach program of the VA Chaplaincy Service, is the organization for you. Call 718-526-1000, ext. 2042. You served, so you are entitled to help! All inquiries are confidential.

TO REGISTER yourself and your family at Annunciation Parish call 718-384-0223 or e-mail. You can also register at Kavine. See Joe Rudis for a registration form. The more registered, the more secure our parish. NUMBERS COUNT!

COME VOLUNTEER FOR YOUR PARISH! Come help do His work on Earth!

Msgr. Joseph Calise – 718-384-0223

Associate Priest and Lithuanian Apostolate:
Rev. Vytautas Volertas

Parish Trustees:
Eric Arango, Raimundas Šližys

Lithuanian Affairs:
Vida Jankauskas

Raimundas Šližys

Lectors, Ushers:
Bill Kumet – 718-846-3829

Annunciation Parish Lithuanian Choir:
Asta Barkauskas, Just Come to the loft!

Pat Sidas – 203-762-9726

Lithuanian/English Bulletin Editor:
Vida Jankauskas

Parish Website Administrator:
Arūnas Tirkšliūnas

Decorating the Church:
Joe Rudis, Lidia Santos – 718-438-4649

Father Volertas, Dr. Algis Lukoševičius. See either one after Mass

Religious Education:
Dr. Milda Palubinskas, Salvijus Kungys, Dana Račiūnas Norvila, Raimundas Šližys, Rosemarie Walsh (English) – 718-384-0223, ext. 28

Dr. Algis Lukoševičius

Children’s Chapter:
Dr. Milda Palubinskas

Spanish Affairs Committee / Bulletin:
Leticia Serrano

Annunciation Parish Spanish Choir:
Antonio Arenas – See him after 11:30 am Mass

Guadalupe Committee:
Clemente Randon

Queen of The Rosary Academy:
Sr. Joan Losson, OP – 718-782-1110

Diocesan Migration Office:
Msgr. Ralph Marino – 718-236-3000

Serenity Sunday / LGBT Ministry:
Msgr. Joseph Calise – 718-384-0223


Are you unable to get to Mass? Eucharistic Minister Vytautas Cereska will bring the Body and Blood of Christ to you. Call Vytautas at 646-246-8270. Father Volertas (718-326-2236) is, of course, also available to bring the Sacraments and anoint the sick and frail. Do not be without the Sacraments, or let your loved ones be bereft either!

You can ask a Mass be said in Annunciation Church . Joe Rudis has the Mass Book Sundays after Mass in the Parish Hall. The usual stipend is $50.

If you want to schedule an event in the Parish Lower Hall, please do so as far in advance as possible. There are many, many demands on our limited facilities! Please contact Raimundas Šližys. (For those organizations needing access to the Halls at Mt. Carmel, that calendar opens JUNE 1.)






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