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Lithuanian Independence Day Celebration 2010

March 7, 2010

Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - 259 N. 5 th Street, Brooklyn, New York, 11211

Participants in the Annunciation Parish (Brooklyn) commemoration of the Re Establishment of Lithuanian Independence Sunday, March 7 included Lithuanian Scout Matas Slizys, Parish Usher Kazys Butkus, Linas Chakar-Palubinskas, and Lithuanian Cub Scout Rimas Chakar-Palubinskas. (photo by Dr. Giedre Kumpikaite)

Annunciation parishioners commemorated the 20th anniversary of the March 11, 1990 Restoration of Lithuania’s Independence with a ceremony of celebration and commemoration after Sunday Mass on March 7. Yellow, green, and red candles were lit by parishioners Bill and Maryte Kumet, representing the pioneering Lithuanians who immigrated to the US in the 19th and early 20th century, Linas and Birute Sidlauskas, representing both the refugee generation (Linas’ family) and modern Lithuanian and Lithuanian American families, and Lithuanian Scout Matas Slizys, accompanied by the small children present, representing the future. Mrs. Kumet and Mrs. Sidlauskas are both natives of Lithuania.

After the candles were lit, all present arose for a moment of silence for all those who had suffered and died for Lithuanian Independence, and for the singing of the Lithuanian National Anthem.

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