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Confirmation – June 5, 2010

June 5, 2010

Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - 259 N. 5 th Street, Brooklyn, New York, 11211

June at Annunciation started with one of the most joyous occasions imaginable for a parish…the CONFIRMATION of twelve young parishioners. Sadly, Bishop Baltakis had declined the parish’s invitation to confirm these candidates, so ably prepared by Teacher Dana Raciunas Norvila, with the assistance of Class Coordinator Raimundas Slizys. Through the good offices of our Administrator, Msgr. Calise, Auxiliary Bishop Frank Caggiano was able to find time in his own busy schedule to come to Annunciation June 5 at 3 pm to confirm Gytis “Gabrielius” Kavalauskas, Auste “Sofija” Norvila, Raimonda “Kristina” Rusinas, Rugile “Sofija” Rusinas, Aras “Kazimiras” Sidlauskas, Dainius “Balthazar” Sidlauskas, Marius “Petras” Sidlauskas, Gintaute “Gabriele” Sipavicius, Matas “Jurgis” Slizys, Milda “Liucija” Stanislauskas, and Povilas “Juozas” Stanislauskas. They are now “adults” in the Faith, prepared to offer their lives for our beliefs.. Pray for them and their devoted and l loyal parents, and welcome them as new “parishioners”!

Many, many thanks are due to Joe Rudis for getting the church “ready” on short notice, Raimundas and Tracey Slizys, for helping prepare everything from the programs to the flower arrangements, Dr. Algis and Jonukas Lukosevicius, who served at the altar, Paulius and Monika Sabalis, who not only served as English Language readers, but also donated paper goods, helped decorate the Hall, and helped make the sandwiches! …Pat Sidas for organizing the decorating of the Hall and preparing the reception, and Choir members Romas Kezys, Aukse Edwards, Danute Norvila, Tracey Slizys, Vincent “Skip” Skripkus, Astra Butkus (who sang the AVE, MARIA with all her heart!), Antanas Bublis, and Pat Sidas, who made a joyous noise unto the Lord without rehearsal and with a guest organist, Pawel Raczkowski, at the Mighty Austin…as Annunciation’s own organist , Asta Barkauskas, had a prior engagement. Judita Glinskis helped out with the bar, and Walter A. Sidas lent a hand wherever he was needed! Algis Norvila helped in the kitchen when he wasn’t photographing the proceedings!

Antanas Bublis and Rytas Sidabras, who took their Confirmation instruction with the class but were confirmed in Maspeth, came back to Annunciation with their families to join the joyful party.

(Photo: courtesy of Algis Norvila)

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