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ŽINIOS – January 2014

Welcome to Apreiskimo Parapijos English Language Bulletin
January, 2014

January 1 Feast of Mary, the Holy Mother of God, HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION

January 5 Kavine at Parish Lower Hall

January 6 Epiphany (Trys Karaliai)

January 12 Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Commemoration of the Vilnius TV Tower Massacre at Annunciation Church
Kavine at Parish Lower Hall

2014 Confirmation Class meets 8:30 AM at Annunciation Church
Gala Luncheon in honor of Bishop Kevalas 12 Noon at Parish Lower Hall

January 20 Dr. Martin Luther King Day American National Holiday, Fly Old Glory!

January 22 Day of Prayer for Protection of the Unborn

January 26 Kavine at Parish Lower Hall

February 2 Feast of the Purification of the Virgin and Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, Blessing of the Candles at Annunciation Church
Kavine at Parish Lower Hall

February 3 Feast of St. Blaise

Annunciation Parish is to be blessed on Sunday, January 19, with a visit by Bishop Kestutis Kevalas of the Diocese of Kaunas, Lithuania. Bishop Kevalas is especially interested in meeting the young people of our parish…. the children who made their First Holy Communion, the youth preparing for confirmation both at Annunciation and in other parishes, toddlers and teenagers. Bishop Kevalas speaks excellent English, so don’t be shy to come even if your Lithuanian language skills are lacking or nonexistent! He wants to see you all! Members of ATEITIS and ATEITIS YOUTH are especially encouraged to attend.

Come and be a part of this joyous celebration of our faith! Bishop will preach at the Mass, and will speak afterwards with both the adults and the children in our Parish Hall. We will all celebrate with him at a gala luncheon, starting at noontime. Tickets $10 adults (includes a donation to Bishop Kevalas) and $3 children, are going on sale Sunday, January 12. See Monika or Paulius Sabalis to get your tickets in the church vestibule before and after Mass. Places will be limited, so don’t delay!

Help will be needed Saturday and Sunday to set up (AND CLEAN UP!) the luncheon. Please consider volunteering to help! Contact Raimundas Slizys ( or Pat Sidas ( and let them know you are coming to help out!

Every year pastors and administrators of parishes are obligated to provide a financial accounting to the parishioners. Below is a letter, written by our administrator, Monsignor Calise, in fulfillment of that obligation. It arrived too late to be included in December’s ZINIOS. Please read it carefully, and consider your obligations to our parish. For over 140 years parishioners of Annunciation have loyally donated money to preserve our parish and our beautiful church. We need to do the same.

Dear Annunciation Parishioners,

Although I hesitate to talk business during the Advent season, it is important that you be kept aware of how the parish is doing financially. As a matter of fact, since I am appointed by the Bishop to be the steward of your parish, it is my obligation to give you accurate and timely information.

I recently had the opportunity to meet with the Financial Board of our parishes and, with our parish accountant, presented to them the financial statements for Mount Carmel and Annunciation.

The simplest comment is that we are doing okay – we are meeting our bills with some prudent reserve. The footnote however, is that we cannot predict the long run. Annunciation is solvent because much of the property is rented. At Mount Carmel we meet our bills because we have the income from the Feast. Neither parish would be able to stay open only by virtue of the collections alone.

I understand that many families are feeling the strain of some difficult financial times. I certainly would not want anyone to stay away because they could not contribute financially. As a matter of fact, I hope that families experiencing need are coming forward to use some of the services the Saint Vincent de Paul Society offers. I hope too, however, that those families which are prospering now, will consider being more generous to the parish.

Monsignor Joseph Calise

PS: Once again, in consultation with the staff, I decided that the parish Christmas gift to you should be more than a simple trinket that will quickly collect its weight in dust. Therefore, in your name a check in the amount we would have spent on gifts has been sent to the USMC Toys for Tots program. May your Christmas be merrier knowing that you have brought a smile to a needy child’s face.

* * * * * *

Annunciation Summary

The financial state of Annunciation Parish for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2013 is stable. The parish recognized a surplus of $23,508. 70% of all revenue is generated from rental income, primarily from the school building. Investment holdings increased a modest 1.4%. Having a substantial second source of income besides the rental, mainly an increase in the regular collection, will be critical to the long term sustainability of the parish. Continuing to add to the investment holdings of the parish will position the parish to address future capital or operational needs.

Sunday, December 8, the Lithuanian Folk Art Institute, the Lithuanian Scouts Association, and Annunciation Parish held a joyous CHRISTMAS MINI-MUGE in our Parish Lower Hall. Annunciation Christmas cards, gingerbread houses, coffee and cake, straw ornaments from the Lithuanian Folk Art Institute, Asta Bublis’ ceramics, framed posters, “spiky cakes” freshly smoked pork roll, and an Atetis table filled with a variety of gift items enticed customers! Laurynas Misevicius brought a table full of Kaledos/Kucios appropriate items to buy. Asta Barkauskas had plotkeles for sale. Many thanks go to Tautodalies Instituta’s Rasa Sprindys, Asta Bublis, Dainora Mlynskaite, President Laurynas Vismanas, and Pat Sidas for providing the Straw Ornament workshops! Put December 7 on your calendar for Christmas Muge ’14!

The traditional Annunciation Parish, Maironis School and Lithuanian Scouts KUCIOS took place on December 15. Special guests included Monsignor Calise, Consul General and Mrs. Sarapinas, NLYB President Algis Grybas, and National LB president Sigita Simkuviene. The festivities began with the traditional Scouts presentation of the wreath and the breaking of the bread ceremonies. Many thanks go to Aldute Belzer and Tomas Lora for organizing this beautiful tradition. Maironis Schiool parents decorated the hall so beautifully that Mt. Carmel parishioners who peeked in were astonished at how beautiful their hall looked! Thanks go to the Sidas family, which donated all the plotkeles, and the Zukauskas family, who designed and produced the lovely programs found on the tables.

Maironis School’s Christmas Show, under the overall direction of principal Rasa Sprindys and Gintare Bukauskas, complete with an art exhibit on big screens on the stage, reminded all of the wonderful Lithuanian songs of childhood and Christmas. Annunciation parishioners, Scout and Maironis families provided a delicious and traditional Kucios table under the direction of Cheryl Milukas and Aldona Marijosius. The Annunciation “Engineers, Architects and Cabinetmakers Association” did yeoman’s service in preparing the sleigh for Kaledu Senelis, who was ably “assisted” by Vytautas Cereska and a team of upper class students, who pulled the sleigh! Thanks also go to Pat Sidas and Raimundas Slizys, who represented the parish on the joint Kucios Committee, and to Monika Sabalis, who did yeo-woman’s duty helping transport things borrowed from Annunciation back to the Parish Hall. All in all, Kucios was a glorious way for all to take to heart the true meaning of the Christmas Season. Go to the Parish web site to see Arunas Tirksliunas’ fabulous KUCIOS PHOTO ALBUM… It will warm your heart!

Christmas at Annunciation was as beautiful as our Mass Celebrant, Father Volertas, Annunciation Choir (directed by Asta Barkauskas), our Altar Boys and all the other helpers could make it. Red poinsettias were everywhere. The two large trees on the altar were radiant white white lights and Lithuanian Straw ornaments thanks to the efforts of Rasa Sprindys and Asta Bublis. The new creche, created and set up by Algis Kulpa, Algis Lukosevicius, Phil Caponegro, and Jonas Lukosevicius, glowed at its new place at the St. Anthony shrine. Our Mighty Austin Organ, newly tuned, sounded with joyous Lithuanian Christmas music. Annunciation Choir presented a brief concert before Mass. Soloist Astra Vilija Butkus thrilled all with her rendition of the beloved O Holy Night. Father Volertas carried the statue of the Christ Child in procession, and blessed the Infant and the crèche. ALL our altar boys, led by Dr. Lukosevicius, were present, in their red cassocks. Monsignor Calise brought his greetings before Mas started, then hastened back to Mt. Carmel for the start of that parish’s Christmas music program.

After Mass everyone –well, almost everyone– adjourned to the Parish Lower Hall for coffee and cake. The hall was nicely decorated by the Slizys family. Pat Sidas and helpers Walter A. Sidas, Jean Pietrusoewicz, Barbara, Martin Pietrusiewicz, and Robert Edwards set up the coffee and cake. Walter, Matas Slizys, Phil Caponegro, Grazina and Saulius Janusas, and Tracey and Raimundas Slizys saw to the clean up. When you see them, THANK THEM.

Christmas greetings to all of you come from ZINIOS readers retired Bishop Baltakis, retired Lithuanian Pontifical College Rector Monsignor Algimantas Bartkus, whose first Mass was said 48 years ago in our church, and former Annunciation parish vicars Fathers Daniel Staniskis and Daniel Yenkevich (Jankevicius)!

Sad news: Father Zunno’s sister Bernadetta Cassella has died. Father regularly said the 9:00 AM Mass Sundays in our parish. He is a retired Maryknoll Missionary—to KOREA!

Ieva Narkute is looking for her family here in Brooklyn. Her great grandfather, Povilas Razickas, came to the US in the last century. His brother Antanas and his family lived on Stanhope Street. If you can provide Ieva with ANY information about her family, please contact her at: We welcome Ieva to the ZINIOS family!

Annunciation is proud of: Dr. John Liobe, son of the late Ray (Class of ’54) and Kazyte, RN, received a FULLBRIGHT SCHOLARSHIP and spent a semester teaching engineering at the University of Vilnius in Lithuania. How great is THAT!

Annunciation’s Religious Education program is alive and well, and waiting for families to register their children for future Confirmation and First Holy Communion classes. To enroll your child or grandchild (English-only children are also welcome!) in our parish program, contact Any ADULTS who never received the sacrament can contact Raimundas Slizys for information about instruction.

Annunciation is proud of: Dr. Algirdas Lukosevicius, son of Antanas and the late Birute, who recently joined Joe Rudis as a Knight of the Equestrian Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. In addition, Algis has completed the course of study to be a Eucharistic Minister, joining Vytautas Cereska in this vital parochial ministry. Dr, Lukosevicius also serves the parish as Volunteer Sacristan and leader of the Altar Boys.

KAVINE NEWS: If you want to provide something special at Kavine, please contact Pat Sidas at SID...@AOL.COM so she can help you coordinate your donation. Thanks go to the Vedeckas family for a very generous cash donation. Maria Lukosevicius donated a cake for the Christmas Kavine. Milda Stanislauskas donated candies! The Sidas family provided a luncheon in memory of Vladas on December 8. Rasa Kaspodistrais donated supplies and cakes. An anonymous donor donated flowers for the Christmas centerpieces. God Bless the KAVINE SET-UP AND CLEAN-UP COMMITTEE. HOWEVER. More volunteers are DESPERATELY needed, especially half an hour before Mass so that the tables can be set up and the cakes cut. To volunteer to help at Kavine, contact Vida Penikas or Pat Sidas. All you have to do is come half an hour early once in a while to set up the hall, or stay 15-20 minutes longer to clear the tables, fold the cloths, and “wash” the coffee and tea pots. HELP IS DESPERATELY NEEDED AT 9:30 AM! Pat cannot continue to do it alone, especially during the winter months.

What’s with the last page of ZINIOS? On the last page of this publication you will find how-tos: How to reach your parish’s leaders. How to reach Lithuanian Catholic organizations; how to reach other Lithuanian organizations in the diocese and greater world. There are also phone numbers and web addresses for organizations that might help YOU or folk YOU know… TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SERVICE! File the lists for future reference!

Do you know what the Share Table is? Every Sunday at Kavine there is a table set aside for giveaways…books, magazines, newspapers, brochures and pamphlets, religious items, etc. You are welcome to give and take………Right now, Liturgical Calendars from the Diocese of Brooklyn Office of the Pontifical Mission Society are available for you both at Kavine and in the church vestibule. Do you have EXTRA calendars? You can donate them to the Share table!

Annunciation parish is blessed with some very generous souls who have provided some wonderful things to keep our beautiful church decorated for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The Lukosevicius family has donated a number of items needed for the Holy Sacrifice, most recently a set of ROSE vestments, the first the parish has had in memory, for use on Gaudete Sunday in Advent and Laetare Sunday in Lent. The Sidas family has donated a new and complete set of altar cloths in memory of Vladas Sidas. An anonymous donor has provided sufficient funds to restore the crucifix on the high altar. Donations have been received that will nearly cover the cost of repairing Annunciation’s Bishop’s Throne, original to the church, which had been used in recent years as a chair for the Mass Celebrant. It has now been “retired” back to its original purpose. The chair originally purchased for the Celebrant a number of years ago is again being used for that purpose. When Bishop Kevalas comes, he will have a proper Throne to sit on! If you would like to make a donation like one of these, please contact Dr. Lukosevicus at He can tell you what is needed.

Sick call list: Elvira Vilineskis, Phyllis Macenas, Liuda Gudelis, and Joe Levonas are suffering the assaults of age. Regina Gelzinis, Helen Bagdonas, Laurynas Vismanas and Erna Milukas need prayers. Dr. Denis Mazeika, through whose efforts modern cataract surgery methods were brought to Lithuania, has suffered a serious stroke. Fortunately, he has shown signs of improvement in the last few days. The mother of Dr.Milda Palubinskas is also in need of prayers….Antanas Bagdziunas (aka Kaledu Senelis) is on the mend after cracking some bones. (It is rumored he was practicing the fandango at the time).

Lithuanian Scouts Association News: HEADS UP! Kaziuku Muge (St. Casimir’s Fair) will be held on March 2, Mt. Carmel Lower Hall. There will be a Scouts Meeting after Saturday School on January 11.

Annunciation is proud of… Lt. Amy Belaus, granddaughter of parishioner Adelaida Sidzikauskas McCarthy, has been deployed to Dubai. Some of us met Amy two years ago when Annunciation parishioners went to West Point to take part in a commemoration of General Kosciusko. Please keep Amy, her cousin Sgt. Daniel Jaber, Antanas Garbauskas, (both in Afghanistan) and the men and women with whom they serve in your prayers. See Pat Sidas if you would like to send a card or note to Amy or Daniel. See Anatolijus Garbauskas if you would like to send a card to Antanas.

Neringa News: Winter Fest/Mardi Gras weekend January 31-February 2. Contact

MAIRONIS SCHOOL NEWS: For information contact Rasa Sprindys at

News from Mt. Carmel: Next Serenity Sunday will be February 2 at 4:30 PM. Pot Luck Supper and 12 Step Meeting follows for ALL Fellowships. Glad Tidings (LGBT Community): Meets second and fourth Monday, 7:00 PM. Rectory:718-384-0223. Monica Ministry (Domestic Violence) Hotline: 1-800-799-7233. See “The Bells of St. Mary’s, with Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman at the FAMILY FILM FESTIVAL Saturday, January 11, 7:00 in the Lower Hall, 7:00PM FREE ADMISSION. Snacks and drinks will be available for purchase.

Our Lady of Vilnius News: Elaine Derso, 212-874-2506, or Mindaugas Blaudziunas at

News from the Diocese of Brooklyn: Renewing our Faith through acts of Charity : Atnaujanti musu tikejimas per labdaros darbu atlikima! was the motto of the 2013 appeal. Our goal was to raise at least $3879. A BIG, BIG LITHUANIAN ACIU goes to the parishioners who stepped forward and made donations to this appeal. ANNUNCIATION PARISH SURPASSED ITS GOAL, and will receive a “bonus” for parish use. Didn’t get your contribution in on time? The 2014 Appeal will begin in several months… tie a string around your finger lest you forget!

Help for those experiencing hearing problems! SPEECH/HEARING SCREENINGS are available, FREE, at St. John’s University. Call 718-990-6480 to get more information or to schedule an appointment! Got hearing troubles? CALL NOW!

JOB OPPORTUNITIES with the DIOCESE OF BROOKLYN: The Human Resources Center for Parishes and Schools is collecting resumes for positions that may become available in the diocese. There are many types of jobs that become available, from cooks and custodians to organists, teachers, and bookkeepers. Some jobs are full time, others part time. For more information, contact

ALL the sacraments are celebrated at Annunciation Parish:

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: Wednesdays at 7:00 pm, Sundays 10:00 am and 11:30 am

Confessions (Lithuanian and English): EVERY Sunday before Mass.

Baptisms, Funerals, and Weddings are arranged through the Parish Office at 718-384-0223

Sacrament of the Sick (Last Rites): Father Volertas (718-326-2236, 347-62-2240) or Msgr. Calise (718-384-0223). Eucharistic Minister V. Cereska will bring the Eucharist to you. 347-656-9815.

Annunciation Religious Education Program (Children), Childrens Liturgy, in Lithuanian and English, Contact Dr. Milda Palubinskas at for the monthly calendar.

Religious Education (Adults): Raimundas Silzys or Pat Sidas.

Altar Servers: Dr. Algis Lukosevicius – Schedules for serving are flexible. English-only servers are welcome, as are those who can’t come all the time.

Annunciation Parish Lithuanian Choir: CONTINUES TO SING ALL SUMMER, BLESS THEM!

Lectors at Mass: Ladies and gentlemen who would like to serve should contact Vida Penikas ( , or 516-922-1760). Vida will show you the ropes and help you schedule your time.

ATTENTION! VOLUNTEER USHERS are URGENTLY needed at Sunday Mass. Contact Raimundas Slizys at LIT...@AOL.COM to volunteer.

IMPORTANT HELPLINE FOR LITHUANIAN SPEAKING PEOPLE! There is a toll-free number to call for Lithuanian speakers when in need of mental health help. It is open Mondays and Thursdays from 6PM-9PM. 866-438-7400. Share this information! It can be life saving!

Volunteers are always needed in our parish.The list of who to contact is below…….CALL! E-MAIL! COME VOLUNTEER FOR YOUR PARISH! Come help do His work on Earth!

Administrator: Msgr. Joseph Calise – 718-384-0223

Associate Priest: Rev.Vytautas Volertas – 347-628-2240

Parish Trustees, Parish Council Members: Eric Arango, Raimundas Slizys

Lithuanian Affairs: Vida Jankauskienė – ALGI...@YAHOO.COM

Committee: Raimundas Slizys – LIT...@AOL.COM

Lectors / Ushers: Vida Penikas –

Annunciation Parish Lithuanian Choir: Asta Barkauskas. Just Come to the loft!

Curator of the Organ: Saulius Janusas

Kavine: Pat Sidas- 203-762-9726, email- SID...@AOL.COM

Lithuanian / English Bulletin Editor: Vida Jankauskienė – ALGI...@YAHOO.COM

Parish Website Administrator: Arunas Tirksliunas –

Decorating the Church: Joe Rudis, Dr. Algis Lukosevicius – ALGI...@YAHOO.COM, 718-438-4649

Acolyte Program: Dr. Algis Lukosevicius – ALGI...@YAHOO.COM

Religious Education: Dr. Milda Palubinskaite –, Raimundas Slizys – LITH...@AOL.COM, Rosemarie Walsh (English) – 718-384-0223, ext. 28

Queen of the Rosary Academy: Maureen Rooney, 718-782-1110

Teachers of Light Tutoring / SAT Prep program (FREE): 347-342-8354,

Ateitis Adult Chapter: Dr. Algis Lukosevicius Dr. Algis Lukosevicius – ALGI...@YAHOO.COM

Ateitis Youth Chapter: Dr. Milda Palubinskas –

Spanish Affairs Committee / Bulletin: Leticia Serrano – ARI...@AOL.COM

Annunciation Parish Spanish Choir: Antonio Arenas. See him after 11:30 am Mass

Guadalupe Committee: Clemente Randon – C12G...@AOL.COM

Lithuanian Apostolate provides counsel, access to resources, translation services, social and religious assistance to Lithuanian speaking people in the Diocese of Brooklyn and Greater New York. Contact Rev. Vytautas Volertas – VOLE...@AOL.COM, 347-628-2240) or Diocesan Migration Office 718-236-3000

Lithuanian Languagae Internet Apostolate:

IMPORTANT HELPLINE FOR LITHUANIAN SPEAKING PEOPLE!/ There is a toll-free number to call for Lithuanian speakers when in need of mental health help. It is open Mondays and Thursdays from 6PM-9PM. 866-438-7400. Share this information! It can be life saving!

To schedule an event in the Parish Lower Hall, please contact Raimundas Slizys – LITH...@AOL.COM

VERY IMPORTANT: TO REGISTER yourself and your family at Annunciation Parish at 718-384-0223 by e-mail at , or at Kavine. See Joe Rudis for a registration form. Offertory Envelopes make it easy to make your weekly donation to the support the parish. To get on the mailing list, contact MARY ANN at the OLMC office… 718-384-0223.

To ask a Mass be said in Annunciation Church: Joe Rudis has the Sunday Mass Book Sundays after Mass in the Parish Hall. The usual stipend is $50. MASS IS SAID EVERY WEDNESDAY (in Spanish) at 7:00 PM. AT ANNUNCIATION. Intentions are available for this Mass. Contact Msgr. Calise at OLMC...@YAHOO.COM for information.

Lithuanian Organizations

Lithuanian Catholic Religious Aid: 718-326-5202, email:

Maironis Lithuanian Saturday School: Rasa Sprindys, Principal –

Lithuanian Scouts: Tomas Lora – , Aldute Belzer –

Lithuanian Athletic Club: (, contact Jonas Jankauskas –

Tryptinis NY Lithuanian Folk Dance Ensemble: Jonas Jankauskas –

Lithuanian Folk Art Institute NY Chapter: Laurynas Vismanas –

Lithuanian American Community: Algirdas Grybas –

Lithuanian Citizens Club: Dr. Giedre Kumpikas –

Knights of Lithuania: K12 NYC: Elaine Derso – ; K110 BQ: Dr. P. Kazas – ; K152 LI: Julia Schroeder –;

Marija Radijas: www.marijosradijas.LT

NEW YORK Lithuanian Radio: New York, Tuesdays, 9:00 PM WPAT 930 AM, or at



Workers’ Rights Hotline: For complaints or concerns about pay or working conditions, 877-525-2267

Grace Institute: Free Job Training for Women: 1223 2nd Avenue, NYC, 212-832-7605

Churches United: English Classes, Legal Clinic, Employment Services. All free, 718-388-3774

Diocesan Catholic Charities Family /Counseling Centers: 718-281-9540,

Rachel’s Helpers: Abortion Victims Consolation, 718-939-6646

Serenity Sunday: Monsignor Calise, 718-384-0223

LGBT Ministry: Father Michael Lynch, 718-834-0223

Monica Ministry: Domestic Abuse, 718-384-0223

Northside Senior Center: 179 North 6th (Bet. Bedford and Driggs Aves.) “Morning Coffee Break”, lunch, recreational, educational, and social activities, a COMPUTER LAB, and Social Services information available FREE, or for VERY LITTLE charge. 718-387-2316






Apologies for the length of this issue…lots of important news I thought all of you would like to have! Happy New Year! Pat S.

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