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Welcome to NY Apreiškimo Parapijos English Language Bulletin “ŽINIOS”



Palaimintasis Jurgis Matulaitis-Matulevicius 1871-1927 Malda (Prayer)

Palaimintasis arkivyskupe Jurgi. Nekaltai Pradetusios Svenciausios Mergeles Marijos myletojau ir istikimas Baznycios sunau, ismelsk mums dorybiu ir jegu bei ryzto uoliai darbuotis Baznyciai, Tevynei, ir viska atnaujinti Kristuje.

April 1 – Palm Sunday / Blessing of the VERBOS and Palms, Vaiku Liturgjia, Kavine, Parish Lower Hall, Easter Egg Workshop Following both Masses, Parish Lower Hall

April 8 – Easter Sunday Traditional Mass at Dawn 7:00 AM, Annunciation Church, Easter Breakfast Following Mass, Spanish Community Coffee Hour 12:30 PM, Parish Lower Hall

April 15 – DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY, Kavine, Parish Lower Hall

April 22 – Kavine, Parish Lower Hall

April 23 – Feast of St. George: Jurgines

April 29 – Kavine, Parish Lower Hall

May 6 – Maironis School Mother‘s Day Celebration, Mt. Carmel Parish Hall

Easter News: Easter Mass will begin at 7:00 AM. There will be an Easter Breakfast in the Hall after Mass. Kavine Committee needs donations of cakes, ham, cut fruit, and cheese. Anyone who can come at 3:00 pm Saturday to help set up the hall should contact Pat Sidas at 203-762-9726 or Help with the breakfast at 6:30 am Easter Sunday, and clean up afterwards is REALLY needed. Let Kavine Committee know (SID...@AOL.COM) how you can help!

Kavine Committee is looking for some particularly beautiful „marguciai“ to give to Father Volertas, Monsignor Calise, and Bishop DiMarzio…..if you can donate three of your special creations, please bring them to the Lower Hall before Mass Easter Sunday. Baskets will be available for your donations in the kitchen.

HOLY WEEK services at Annunciation are 9:00 Morning Prayer in English each day. On Holy Thursday, The Mass of the Lord’s Supper will take place at 7:30 pm at Mt. Carmel Church. A procession to Annunciation Church will follow, and the Blessed Sacrament will be in Repose in our church, which will remain open until about midnight. On Good Friday, the Liturgy of the Passion will be at 7:30 pm at Mt. Carmel Church. Holy Saturday, the Easter Vigil Mass will again be Mt. Carmel Church at 7:30 PM.

The Spanish Mass will be at 11:30 am as usual Easter Sunday.

Many of you may have seen the e-mail going around asking us all to pray the rosary on Good Friday. Even if you cannot get to any Good Friday services, you CAN find a minute to pray Mary’s rosary.

The Parish Lenten Retreat with the Lithuanian evangelical group, Gyvieji Akmenys was a wonderful new and interesting religious experience for the parishioners who made the effort to take part. With song, Liturgical Service, and individual prayer, the group helped us lift our spirits unto the Lord, “whence cometh our help”. On Saturday they led the Stations of the Cross. They led the singing at the Sunday Mass, and following the gala luncheon in their honor, led us again in prayer and song. On Monday, Gyvieji Akmenys again led the retreat participants, and guests from among the Spanish speaking parishioners and from Mt. Carmel parish, in prayer and song. They participated in the Solemn Mass celebrating the parish Titular Feast, the Feast of the Annunciation, on Monday, too.

MANY MANY thanks for this retreat go to Vida Jankauskas, who arranged the visit of Gyvieji Akmenys, to Ramute and Ricardas Hopanus and Monika and Salvijus Kungys, who housed the group members, to Ramute Zukaite, Rany and Milda Plaubinskas-Chakar, and Rita Stelmokas (of Ausros Vartu parish), who helped provide transportation, meals, entertainment, and tours for the group. Thanks also go to Ramute Zukaite, who saw to the ordering of the food, and to Joe and Irene Rudis for doing “the shopping”, and Pat Sidas for organizing the gala luncheon. Others who helped included Maryte Kumet, Josefina Senken, Matas Slizys, Onute Povilaitis, Laima Sileikyte-Hood and Algis Norvila

Our Parish Titular Feast was celebrated March 26 (moved from March 25, since March 25 was a Sunday) with a solemn Mass that followed the closing session of our parish retreat. Monsignor Calise, Father Michael Lynch, and Father Vytautas Volertas concelebrated the Mass in English. Members of the Annunciation Parish Lithuanian Choir, accompanied by guest organist Gintare Bukauskas, Antanas Bublis, Astra Butkus, Vytautas Cereska, Aukse Edwards, Romas Kezys, Josefina Senken. Pat Sidas, Matas Slizys, Tracey Slizys, Jean Pietrusiewicz, Ramute Hopanus provided music in Latin and Lithuanian. Gyvieji Akmenys provided music for the Responsorial Psalm, Offertory Hymn and Recessional Hymn for the Mass. As a gracious gesture to our Spanish speaking parishioners (The Annunciation Parish Spanish Choir was unable to participate this year.), this generous group sang a Spanish hymn in their repertoire for the recessional.

Acolytes Jonas Lukosevicius, Martin and Ken Pietrusiewicz, for served the Mass, and Dr. Algis Lukosevicius, who not only served the Mass, but with the assistance of his daughter Adria, helped Joe Rudis with the sacristan chores before Mass. Eucharistic Minister Vytautas Cereska helped distribute Communion. Salvijus Kungys did the Lithuanian language readings. Mrs. Eric Arrango and Ms Leticia Serrano represented Annunciation Spanish Community for the readings in Spanish. Raimundas Slizys, who did all of the organizing for the Lithuanian parishioners’ participation and helped prepare the Mass Booklet. THANK YOU, all the Lithuanian parishioners who made the effort to attend the Solemn Mass for the Feast of the Annunciation.

On Passion Sunday Laurynas Vismanas and Pat Sidas helped parishioners prepare beautiful “verba”… the folk art substitute made of dried flowers and plants used in parts of Lithuania in place of palm on Palm Sunday. On Palm Sunday, Laurynas, with the help of Tautodalies Institutas members Rasa Sprindys and Pat Sidas, and Laima Kavaliauskas, helped children and adults from both the Lithuanian and Spanish communities of Annunciation learn how to decorate eggs the Lithuanian way. ACIU one and all!

On Palm Sunday Annunciation and the Lithuanian-American Community were blessed with the presence of noted Lithuanian actor Petras Venslovas, who provided an excellent program of poetry declamation and theatrical speeches. Thanks go to Dr. Giedre Kumpikas for arranging the visit.

On March 11, the restoration of Lithuanian independence was celebrated in conjunction with the NY Lithuanian American Community and the Lithuanian Consulate. A surprise guest was photographer Tomas Tumalovicius, Another event, the 1949 mass deportations of mainly women and children from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia to Siberia. Candles were lit, as they are all over the “Baltic” world, on March 25, and Consul General Sarapinas gave a brief speech.

The Brooklyn-Queens Chapter of the Lithuanian American Community had its annual meeting on March 18. As usual, a fine lunch was served, catered by Rimas Kezys of THE AVENUE BAR AND GRILL. Guests were Ramute Zukaite, District Council President, Algirdas Grybas, Internet Webmaster for NY, Director Arvydas Barysas, who spoke about his work in film. Since he had brought his guitar, he played and led the assembly in song! Thanks go to helpers Astra Bileris, Audrone Overas, Mindaugas Sprindys, Pat Sidas, Tracey Slizys.

BIG Annunciation ACIUs to Chief Decorator Joe Rudis and the beautiful Irene, Richard Catalanotti, Philip Caponegro, and Dr. Algis Lukosevicius for their efforts to decoarte our church for Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and Easter Sunday! Our beautiful church looks even more lovely! Annunciation would also be remiss not to thank Fr. Volertas and lectors Stasys Stanislauskas and Silvestras Stanislauskas for their gracious presentation of the reading of the Passion at the gospel of the Mass.

IMPORTANT News about the Diocese of Brooklyn Strategic Planning Commission: For the past year the Commission has been working with parishes, reviewing their financial situation, their facilities, and the sacramental life of the parishes. The Commission made its recommendations to Bishop DiMarzio about what steps should be taken to strengthen Phase IV parishes on February 27. Annunciation Parish, Mt Carmel Parish, and Transfiguration Parish are involved in Phase IV. Bishop DiMArzio will announce his decisions relating to the recommendations April 15.

Sunday, March 25, Father Michael Zunno, MM, who regularly said the 9:00 AM English Mass in our parish, was honored at the third annual Mt. Carmel Communion Breakfast. The Slizys family, Antanas Bublis, and Stanley Lukosevicius represented Annunciation. Raimundas Slizys publicly thanked Father Zunno, who is a retired Maryknoll Missionary to Korea, for his service to our parish.

The well known and beloved Sister Igne Marijosius was honored at the Lithuanian World Youth Center in Chicago in October, 2011 with the Rev. Jouzas Prunskus Prize by the Ateitis Chapter, “Giedra”. This prize, which includes a monetary award, is given to a woman who serves the ideals of our Catholic faith. God Bless and Keep Her!

A belated thank you goes to the NY District Lithuanian American Council President Ramute Zukaite for organizing the collection of funds at our parish to help with the restoration of the vandalized statues at Mt. Carmel earlier in the year. Monsignor Calise was stunned by our generosity!

Another thank you goes toVida Penikas, who has taken up bulletin writing duties while Vida and Algis Jankauskas are off “on loan” to Virginia to help care for Gabija and Jonas Matas!

Sick call list: Regina Balsys, Elvira Vilineskis, Phyllis Macenas, Liuda Gudelis, Joe Levonas, and Anele Steponis are suffering the assaults of age. Mara Vygantas, Gloria O’Brien, Edward Diskevich, Antanas Vytuvis,and Jerry Cernauskas also need prayers. Arturas Jautakas is still VERY sick.

ALL the sacraments are celebrated at Annunciation Parish:

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Eucharist are celebrated every Sunday.

Confessions are heard by Fr. Volertas before Mass in Lithuanian and English EVERY Sunday.

Baptisms and Weddings, or for the Sacrament of the Sick, and “Last Rites”, just call Msgr. Calise (718-384-0223 ) or Fr. Volertas (718-326-2236).

Funerals can take place in our church. Be sure to specify ANNUNCIATION to the Funeral Director, so the funeral will be held in your own parish church.

KAVINE NEWS: If you want to provide something special at Kavine, please contact Pat Sidas at SID...@SOL.COM so she can help you coordinate your donation. God Bless the KAVINE SET-UP AND CLEAN-UP COMMITTEE. To volunteer to help at Kavine, contact Vida Jankauskas or Pat Sidas. All you have to do is come half an hour early once in a while to set up the hall, and/or stay 15-20 minutes longer to clear the tables, fold the cloths, and “wash” the coffee and tea pots. THANK YOU TO: Milda Stanislauskas for a donation of cookies, Astra and Kestutis Bileris for tableware, to Juze Norvila for tea, Hopanas family for coffee.

HEADS UP! Lithuanian Catholic Religious Aid’s 50th Anniversary April 22 is SOLD OUT.

May they rest in peace in the arms of the angels! Juozas Rygelis has died, leaving his precious Aldona and his daughter Aldona and her daughters deeply grieved. The Funeral of Eugenia Ramanauskas will be held at Transfiguration April 28. 9:30 AM.

CALLING ANNUNCIATION CLASS OF 1955! Please get in touch with your classmates Jim Thomas (aloft or Linda Mockapetris Greene at swordfish

CALLING ANNUNCIATION CLASS OF 1963! Know a member? Maybe, your baby brother? Let Larry Kiceina know: IPAC...@YAHOO.COM The Class wants to have a REUNION!

Camp Neringa News: Neringa is a great place for Kids! There are sessions for both Lithuanian speaking and NON-LITHUANIAN SPEAKING Children! Registration forms and 2012 CAMP SCHEDULE (And information about summer employment) are on the web site BENEFIT CONCERT featuring VARPELIS Chorus from New Jersey, is April 28. INFO:

The 14th Lithuanian Dance Festival (July 1, 2012, in Boston). Contact Cheryl Milukas ( or go to for information on tickets and ads. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN GOING BY BUS FROM BROOKLYN/QUEENS to the Festival, please contact Vida Jankauskas at L...@EARTHLINK.NET

Our Lady of Vilnius News: Contact: Elaine Derso, Chair, Save Our Lady of Vilnius Committee, P.O. Box 230253, New York, NY 10023, 212-874-2506, Also: M. Blaudziunas at Ironically, the rectory building has recently been designated as an historic site!

New Jersey News: Singer Irma Jurgeleviciute will perform 8pm March 17 at 177 Broadway. Clark, NJ. Please contact Zilvinas Bublis for more information 732-713-5708.

Connecticut News: Berzelis, Lithuanian folk dance group of Hartford is celebrating its 40th anniversary with a concert and social on April 28th at 6:30 pm at Holy Trinity Church Hall, 53 Capitol Ave. Hartford CT. Singer Audronė Simanonytė will be performing with Berželis. For tickets and further information please call Dalia Dzikas at 860-521-6028.

Welcome to our new readers: im Thomas, Carolyn Barbiero Williams, Charlie Cogliano!

HEADS UP! Council 152, Knights of Lithuania president Julia Schroeder asks all of us to a commemoration of the feast of Our Lady of Siluva, September 8, 2012, at Our Lady of the Island Shrine, that will also commemorate the 100th ammiversary of the founding of the Knights of Lithuania. Knights of Lithuania Council #144 was recently featured in “Lithuanians in the Word” on, Knights of Lithuania Keep On Fighting. It explains the history and ideals of the organization , the story behind the annual Lithuanian Days festival in Pennsylvania, what members have done to preserve and promote Lithuanian traditions and culture, how members supported Lithuanian citizens and fought for Lithuania’s freedom, and what the organization is doing today for Lithuanian citizens and Lithuanian-Americans. Thanks, Julia, for this information!

News from Mt. Carmel: ( Mt. Carmel Serenity Sunday, for people recovering from addictions, and for those who love them. Mass at 5:00 pm, “pot luck” supper after, followed by “meetings” according to the precepts of “AA”. Next Serenity Sunday will be May 6. Glad Tidings (LGBT Community) meets the second and fourth Monday of each month, 7:00 PM. Mt. Carmel All-School Reunion: April 28, 8:00 PM, Mt. Carmel Hall. Admission is $35. Purchase tickets through Mt. Carmel Rectory (718-384-0223).

TO REGISTER yourself and your family at Annunciation Parish call 718-384-0223 or e-mail. You can also register at Kavine. See Joe Rudis for a registration form.

Offertory Envelopes make it easy to make your weekly donation to the support the parish. You receive a packet monthly, by mail, with an envelope for each Sunday and for any scheduled special collections. To get on the mailing list, contact MARY ANN at the OLMC office…718-384-0223.

Volunteers are always needed in a place like a parish: Someone to read at Mass, to sing in the choir, to wash a pot or set a table once in a while. Someone to make a centerpiece, to decorate the altar, to teach the children; someone to organize a picnic or a lottery. Maybe, YOU canvolunteer just once in a while so the work does not always fall on the same generous souls? The list of who to contact is below…….CALL!

COME VOLUNTEER FOR YOUR PARISH! Come help do His work on Earth!

Msgr. Joseph Calise – 718-384-0223

Associate Priest and Lithuanian Apostolate:
Rev. Vytautas Volertas

Parish Trustees:
Eric Arango, Raimundas Šližys

Lithuanian Affairs:
Vida Jankauskas

Raimundas Šližys

Lectors, Ushers:
Vida Penikas – 516-922-1760

Annunciation Parish Lithuanian Choir:
Asta Barkauskas, Just Come to the loft!

Pat Sidas – 203-762-9726

Lithuanian/English Bulletin Editor:
Vida Jankauskas

Parish Website Administrator:
Arūnas Tirkšliūnas

Decorating the Church:
Joe Rudis, Dr. Algis Lukosevicius – 718-438-4649

Acolyte Program:
Father Volertas, Dr. Algis Lukoševičius. See either one after Mass

Religious Education:
Dr. Milda Palubinskas, Salvijus Kungys, Dana Račiūnas Norvila, Raimundas Šližys, Rosemarie Walsh (English) – 718-384-0223, ext. 28

Dr. Algis Lukoševičius

Children’s Chapter:
Dr. Milda Palubinskas

Spanish Affairs Committee / Bulletin:
Leticia Serrano

Annunciation Parish Spanish Choir:
Antonio Arenas – See him after 11:30 am Mass

Guadalupe Committee:
Clemente Randon

Queen of The Rosary Academy:
Sr. Joan Losson, OP – 718-782-1110

Teachers of Light Tutoring / SAT Prep program (free):

Diocesan Migration Office:
Msgr. Ralph Marino – 718-236-3000

Serenity Sunday:
Msgr. Joseph Calise – 718-384-0223

LGBT Ministry:
Father Michael Lynch – 718-384-0223

Father Volertas,
(Advisory Committee members: Vida Jankauskas, Malvina Klivecka, Joe Rudis)


Rachel’s Helpers (Abortion Victims Consolation):

Churches United:
(FREE CLASSES for people looking for work, English classes, FREE LEGAL CLINIC)

Diocesan Catholic Charities Family / Counseling Centers:
(Help with mental health issues for children and adults, and employment counseling.)

Maironis Lithuanian Saturday School:
Fausta Sinkunas, Principal

Lithuanian Scouts:
Tomas Lora, Aldute Belzer

Lithuanian Athletic Club:
(, Jonas Jankauskas

Council 12: Elaine Derso, tel. 212-874-2506. Council 110: Dr. P. Kazas. Council 152: Julia Schroeder.

To schedule an event in the Parish Lower Hall, please contact Raimundas Šližys.

Order blanks to subscribe to BRIDGES, the journal of the Lithuanian American Community, are available on the SHARE table, or contact to order a subscription.

Are you unable to get to Mass? Eucharistic Minister Vytautas Cereska will bring the Body and Blood of Christ to you. Call Vytautas at 646-246-8270. Father Volertas (718-326-2236) is, of course, also available to bring the Sacraments and anoint the sick and frail.

You can ask a Mass be said in Annunciation Church . Joe Rudis has the Mass Book Sundays after Mass in the Parish Hall. The usual stipend is $50.







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